Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Mama (2008)

Chaffee Bicknell (Sigourney Weaver): Our surrogacy fee is $100,000.
Kate (Tina Fey): It costs more to have someone born than to have someone killed!
Chaffee Bicknell: It takes longer.

Carl (Dax Shepard): My first thought about Angie carrying someone else's baby? I thought... My wife is gonna have sex with somebody else's husband to do this?...
Angie: - Out of the question...
Carl: - that's gonna cost extr - out of the question, right. Out of the question.

Angie: You went out with him?
Kate: I did.
Angie: Why?
Kate: Oh, he's beautiful.
Angie: Where?

Your stupid space car locked me in!
- Angie

At a glance: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler add a twist in this often-funny comedy about an odd couple bringing a baby to term

Its 2008, and every movie has virtually been made before. Many times over. So if you are going to churn out another baby comedy, you need something different to set it off from the rest. Baby Mama has that something different: atypically, it’s got two talented comediennes in the lead roles. Tina Fey, currently right in the middle of her fame boosting turns as the dead-ringer Sarah Palin imitator, stars here as a highly successful corporate vice-president of a health food company, who, at the age of 37, gets bitten by the baby bug. Unable to conceive in more conventional ways, she turns to a surrogate, which leads her to ‘white trash’ Amy Poehler. Circumstances force them to have to live together, which leads to a few more problems, as do a couple of major twists in the story. It isn’t the funniest comedy ever made, but there are more than enough laughs to carry it, especially if you have gone through some of these types of dramas yourself. Good supporting work from Sigourney Weaver, Greg Kinnear, Dax Shepard, and Romany Malco also helps. Rating: 2.5 of 4

"A lightweight romantic comedy that's to be welcomed, if only for the fact it offers juicy roles to talented writer-actresses Tina Fey and Amy Poehler."
- Christopher Tookey (Daily Mail [UK])

"There are plenty of laughs in this likeable and uplifting comedy that puts its own twist on life, love, relationships and babies."
- Louise Keller (Urban Cinefile)

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